“Bro just get in the car, I’ve only had a few… We’ll be ight,” says the young under-aged boy as he slurs his words, reeks of alcohol, and grabs the keys from his sober friend. “No man, you’ve had too much to drink tonight.” Just like stopping a poisoned friend of alcohol about to ruin his life, showing leadership attributes takes great responsibility. Becoming a great leader takes effective leadership such as taking risks and having a vision of goal setting.
One important attribute for what makes leader is taking risks such as the willing to be assertive at the right time and not being scared to “Step out of the box,” and be unique. For example, time crunches and the pressure of leading the volleyball team to state is on my shoulders. I glance to my left and observe the fire in Coach Thorn’s eyes as she yells with passion, “I need you to step up, be assertive!” I look to my right, point at the freshmen now taking a starter’s spot and say, “This is you. Right here, right now!” Whistle blows, perfect three option pass from the libero, graceful quickset from the setter, and down went the ball. The ball that led us to state and lead me to leadership. The assertiveness and leadership the volleyball player showed during the volleyball match lead her in a victory not only in volleyball, but also as being a leader. In addition, a dorky lanky freshmen was innocently walking down the congested hallway as it soon separates like Moe’s and the red sea. The senior, aka the “Big dogs,” of the high school strut past the freshmen boy and shoved him to the ground, leaving him as they say it “eating dirt.” The seniors begin to chuckle as one sallows “That lump,” of guilt down his throat, picks up the boy, pats him on the back, smiles, and walks away. Whether it’s an athlete stepping up and taking assertiveness, or being different than the rest like the senior, these are the characteristics of a leader. Therefore, when becoming a leader one must step up to the plate being ambitious and having the desire to do what’s right.
A true leader has a vision of goal setting and willing to do anything in their power to accomplish their wish achievement. For example, the Apple inventor, Steve Jobs, started his Apple company all with a small idea, but with his vision in seeing the future grew the small idea into a life/generation changing product. The diligence Steve Jobs showed to accomplish his goal is the same characteristics a leader holds. Therefore, being a leader and setting a goal can affect your life by changing one into a humble person.
Pressured life situations, saving lives, and making miracles are all effects of being a great leader, however a leader knows how to handle such situations. Being a leader can cause someone to develop a “Beautiful soul,” on the inside and out.