The heartbeats of my pulse are beating out of my chest, the “nervous sweats” dripped down and chilled my body leaving my stomach turning circles and my mind defeating me. “Pow!” The gun shop off and the “gut race,” 1600 meter relay, had begun and I soon let my fear of my doubts choke me, leaving me in the dust. Just like nerves taking over a runners body before a race, fear can take over your body. Fear can affect people’s lives by controlling someone emotionally and can create various illnesses.
Fear can control someone’s life by making them miss out on opportunities and can prevent someone from making memories. For example, two athletic volleyball players fighting for a position, one naturally gifted in talent, one born with the heart of a champion. The naturally gifted one suddenly gets passed up by the one giving it 110%, and sees her as a threat, which turns into fear. The All-American has been replaced and the heart of gold now has her spot. Fear over the All-American volleyball player controlled her and now she has missed the chance to rise to the occasion. In addition, a family went on vacation to make memories of a lifetime. Jimmy’s parents wanted to go parasailing for a fun excursion, but Jimmy is deathly afraid of heights and has a fear of falling into the water. Jimmy had to sit on the boat and watch his family make memories without him because he didn’t conquer his fear. Letting fear get the best of you, can cost you a lifetime of memories. Therefore, fear can control one physically and hurt the mental mindset of the body.
Fear can affect someone’s life by causing many different health issues, such as creating a negative mindset and depression. For example, a straight A student, parents shoving books and the mindset of “perfection,” is the only exception down her throat, Jenna crams late-night studying and doubtful thoughts in her head for the, “No Pass, No Play,” test, the next morning. Fear is a strong emotion that not only affects someone physically, but also emotionally by creating doubtful thoughts which can lead to emotional sickness, such as depression and anxiety. Therefore, fear can affect a person’s life by hurting someone emotionally and soon causing someone emotional sickness.
Pulse racing, positive thoughts turn into negative, and before you even take a step of a race, you already have been defeated emotionally…. Fear can cost a lifetime of loss of memories and stop people from reaching one’s full potential.